What is Computer | Computer Definition | Computer Meaning (2019)

              Introduction to Computer (Computer Meaning)

Introduction to Computer: Today everybody needs a computer in their daily life. A computer makes things easy and has the capacity to solve any problem. Computer along with an internet connection in it can provide us a lot of information from the entire world. If you are in search of knowing "what is computer and computer meaning", Please make sure to read this entire article. 

What is Computer | Computer Definition | Computer Meaning (2019)
What is Computer | Computer Definition | Computer Meaning (2019)

                     What is Computer (Computer Meaning)

What is Computer: A computer is an electronic device which can solve different problems and Computer has the capacity to process, store, and retrieve huge data. A computer can perform any type of calculations more efficiently and faster than human beings. We can also do many free courses available online with the help of Computer and many people earn a lot of money from online using a computer with an internet connection in it. 


              The simple meaning of the word "Computer"

Computer Meaning: A Computer is an electronic machine which can solve all the logical and arithmetic problems easily using Computer programming. A computer has the capacity to process huge data which can be in the form of images, videos, text, sound etc and convert such data into meaningful information which can be easily understood by every human being.

                                  Definition of Computer

Computer Definition: A Computer is a programmed device which can execute a set of instructions with a high speed using Computer programming.

The word Computer is derived from the Latin word "computare",  which means "to calculate". So in simple words, we can say a computer is a device which performs calculations very fastly.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word Computer was first used in a book called The Yong Mans Gleanings which is written by Richard Braithwaite in the year 1613. (mentioned in Wikipedia) 

What is Computer | Computer Definition | Computer Meaning (2019)
Computer Definition

Today the word "Computer" is most commonly referred to as Personal Computer(PC), Desktop, System unit, and a simplified computer is known as Laptop.

The Major Parts of a Laptop or a Personal Computer(PC) includes a CPU, Mother Board, Hard Disk, Graphic Card and RAM.

Today every house in the society has a Computer or Laptop for their uses and a Computer plays a very important role in everybody's day to day life and it has become a part of our daily routine to carry out any operations. we can also use Computer for our entertainment purpose by playing games, listening to Music and watching Movies.

I hope now you are familiar with what is computer and what is the meaning of computer and computer definition. If you people have any doubts regarding "What is Computer | Computer Definition | Computer Meaning (2019)", Please make sure to give your valuable comments below. 


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